First, the bad: for us, the 100th edition of the Tour de France was never really going to measure up to the 99th. This year’s race was also staged in the shadow cast by Armstrong’s confession. Although it’s impossible not to admire him as a rider, we were also unimpressed by Peter Sagan’s lack of class on the podium. Finally, the weather we’ve had to endure in Britain for the past couple of months has been beyond a joke.
And so to the good stuff: we absolutely loved this year’s La Vuelta. We knew the Giro was going to be good but the Spanish grand tour really excelled. We were also inspired by Nairo Quintana and his incredible climbing abilities. We were also blown away by the two vintage rides we took part in this year: the Anjou Velo Vintage and L’Eroica. Two really well put together events – definitely not to be missed! It would be unfair to moan about the British winter without singing the praises of this year’s British summer. And finally, a word for Fizik’s kangaroo leather R3 shoes: light, supple and completely gorgeous.
Happy new year to you all – here’s to a happy, healthy and cycling-filled 2014.