A new frame of mind - wider horizons to explore

Lockdown has taught us many things, how to view our ‘reality’ in a different way, seek new targets, new horizons with an alternative, fresh, exciting compliment of people and products.

In the forthcoming months we hope to be doing more riding but more importantly meeting up again with the people we’ve missed sharing the road with. For us the pandemic is still a threat that’s why we’re still being cautious about venturing outside of the bubble just yet.

Photoshoots are and will always be an intrinsic part of the Simpson DNA but at present we’re playing it safe by limiting our interaction with others. Sure we miss buzz of planning, organising and the actual shoot itself but we’re going to do it on our own terms and it a way that feels right for us.

When you don’t hear much from us it’s because we’re at our most creative - what goes on in the backroom at Simpson HQ always defines an energy and scope of vision that gives us our unique vantage point.

This is your opportunity to make contact and tell us about how you're coping with this pandemic and what role cycling is playing in your survival plan. Where is your riding taking you to, be it spiritually or mentally? Be it indoor or outdoor, whatever route you’re taking it has to be one that works for you.

In the words of TS Eliot’s East Coker ‘Old men ought to be explorers’ - we must always push forward and never be complacent.

Inspiration For Perspiration: Simpson Motivational poster series

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To inspire you during this unprecedented time where we’re being told to stay indoors and remain at home in order to save the spread of COVID-19, Simpson magazine has created four inspiring poster downloads to help you stay focused and keep motivated.

This series of four images are free to upload, simply send us an email at www.info@simpsonmagazine.cc and we’ll email you the files.

  • Use as a screen saver or desktop background

  • Print out and place around your home for inspiration or in front of you when training indoors

  • Share with your buddies or direct them to our website

Remember that the road is still out there and needs you back when things return to normal!
Ride strong, stay sharp and be safe.

Remembering what’s important


Earlier this week we were invited to take part in an interesting art and design project at Middlesex University.

The project, called I Am A Magazine, invited a group of art, design, photography and fashion students to create something interesting on the theme of magazines. One of the ways the organisers came up with to help the students find inspiration was to line up a number of guests – including us – to give talks about various aspects of magazines and publishing.

We gave the students a guided tour of Simpson’s conception in 2012, its birth in 2013 and its steady growth ever since. We talked about how the magazine is an expression of our passion for cycling, design and print journalism. We told them how Simpson has become a platform for emerging photographic and journalistic talent. We explained how our independence has enabled us to steer clear of the product-pushing clichés of some other publications we could mention. We shared our excitement about the opportunities Simpson has given us – to travel to places we’d never otherwise go to and meet people we’d never otherwise meet. 

We also talked about the growth of something bigger than just the printed magazine. We talked about our online presence, the Simpson team, the kit, T-shirts and other merchandise, the club rides and, perhaps most importantly, the sense of community and shared purpose that’s gradually formed around the Simpson name.

Delivering this talk served to remind us how far we’ve come in the last few years. It encouraged us to step back from the day-to-day plate-juggling exercise of work and family and cycling and everything else, just for a few hours, to reflect on how fulfilling it’s been and how lucky we are to be involved in the wonderful world of Simpson.

The Italian Job

We were lucky enough to visit Italy last week, researching an article for the next issue of the magazine. We won't spoil the surprise by telling you exactly where we went or who we met but we will tell you that we were in the north east of the country, in Veneto, a region that's about as steeped in cycling history and culture as it's possible to be. 

Between epic mealtimes, during which we made serious inroads into the Italian calzone mountain, we met sprightly septuagenarians and energetic 20-somethings; we visited small family businesses and huge conglomerates; we watched all sorts of manufacturing processes and wandered around awe-inspiring cycling museums; we discussed the past, present and future of the cycling industry. But one thing remained constant: everyone we met shared such a deep passion for all things cycling that we couldn't help but be inspired and energised. 

Our love for what we do rarely wavers but it doesn't hurt every once in a while to give ourselves a fresh little espresso shot of enthusiasm. Grazie Italia e arrivederci a presto!

Worthwhile moments


There's nothing we like more than meeting our readers, whether it's on the road for a ride or at an event like the one we attended last night in Brighton.

The kind folk at Magazine Brighton had invited us to give a talk about what goes on behind the scenes at a magazine like Simpson: how we choose our stories, the thinking behind the design of the magazine, and some of the processes involved in turning raw ideas into the final product.

It was a fun session, capped by some good questions from the audience. We hope those who attended enjoyed it as much as we did - and maybe learned something new in the process. Our thanks to Roxy, Martin and the team at Magazine Brighton for making it all possible.

The best bit of the evening for us was when a young design student approached us after the talk and told us about her dad, who sadly fell ill recently. She bought him a copy of Simpson to cheer him up a bit - he'd once been a keen cyclist so she thought he might find it interesting. She told us that he loved the magazine and that reading it had really perked him up and reignited his interest in cycling. 

Hearing stories like that is what it's all about as far as we're concerned. Thank you so much to those who came to the event and to those who support us in other ways - by buying the magazine, following us on social media or joining our rides. We look forward to seeing you in the future at other events.